Tuesday, July 31, 2012

What do you want? Thin and sleek or small and fat?

IPhone appeal dims as Samsung shines. I totally agree. iPhones are fat with small screens. Samsung is making sleek, thin phones with large screens.

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A bloody nuisance

The Olympics are putting Londoners asleep. Why? From my biased perspective, the whole thing looks like the world championship of volleyball.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A movie director, Peter Bogdanovich, blames movies as a partial cause of violence. We are desensitizing the audience.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Aurora shooting: ABC News draws possible Jim Holmes Tea Party connection - POLITICO.com

ABC News draws possible Jim Holmes Tea Party connection - POLITICO.com. Notice how quickly this connection was made. See Mary Katherine Ham.

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Student loans parallel subprime mortgages

AP: Student loans strongly resemble subprime mortgages. And because they can't be repaid, they are probably headed down the same road.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Bonnie and Clyde's guns on auction block

Two handguns owned by Bonnie and Clyde will be auctioned off along with some other items.

Condi Rice as VP

The WSJ analyzes Condi Rice as a VP candidate.

Roger Simon and the party of race

Roger Simon: The Democratic party is the party of race.
Indeed, the argument can be made that the Democratic Party has destroyed the lives of minorities in order to save itself. Their programs, from the Great Society onwards, have done nothing substantial to improve minority lives, only to encourage dependency. The proof of this failure we see before us today in the dreadful statistics on black and Hispanic unemployment, far worse than the already horrendous national numbers. The more minorities are “helped,” the worse their lives become, the less equal we are.

The Democratic Party is then the true racist party, trapped in nostalgia for a time when genuine racism — Jim Crow, etc. — stalked the land. They have to assume significant white racism still exists because not to do so threatens the fabric of their being. A Tea Partier has to be a racist so you can dismiss his ideas without having to confront them or even think about them. Mitt Romney is just another rich white man so you don’t have to deal with what he is saying, you don’t have to evaluate whether he has a solution to a mutual problem.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Surprise VP frontrunner

Condoleezza Rice is Romney's frontrunner for vice president. Excellent choice!

Which Dream Team, 1992 or 2012, was better?

Michael Jordan contests Kobe Bryant's recent statement comparing the 1992 and 2012 Dream Teams.

Penn State ignored red flags, engaged in a cover-up

AP says that Joe Paterno and other Penn State officials concealed the allegations against Jerry Sandusky more than 10 years ago, putting more youngsters at risk. Paterno played an "integral part of this active decision to conceal."

Penn State's top officials ran a cover-up of a sex-abuse scandal for 14 years.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Where do you stand? Mac, PC, or Linux?

Macs are catching up with PCs, according to this article. But why not also count the number of Linux installations?

Cancer treatment

Instapundit has an interest story of one woman's struggle with cancer. My best wishes go with her.

Gold Rush at the bottom of the sea

There's a new gold rush on the sea floor: Gold , silver, copper, cobalt, lead and zinc.

Conservatives happier than liberals?

Why are conservatives happier than liberals? Ann Althouse has some comments.

High school students go to college

I've had high school courses enrolled in college classes and thought these students were outstanding. They were much more motivated than many of my college students. My experience was classroom in this cases, not online.  Here is an article on the Indiana experience.

California's university system

This is a review of the California university system.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Doctors hate Obamacare

83 percent of doctors have considered quitting over Obamacare. I have personally have never met one doctor that was happy with it.

Fun, games, and Olypmic competition

Fun and games at the Olympic Village? I don't know whether to believe it or not.

My health

I have recently returned from a major cancer clinic where I'm undergoing treatment. My treatment is working and the news is good. The chemo I'm on has been reduced, and I will return to the clinic in six months, not four months. I am happy and encouraged. This also means that I expect to feel better in the near future and I should be online more.

I plan to return to regular blogging if I can.