Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Are we still racists?

Don Surber on our racial problem.

It is a dangerous game that Democrats play, one that requires constant racial dissatisfaction and distrust. Unable to find actual racism among conservatives, Democrats have taken to pretending conservative arguments are Racial Code Words. I picked Juan Williams apart yesterday. Kathleen McKinley blogging for the Houston Chronicle took care of her town’s Democratic Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee:
Can we just end this with “code words?” I know many believe it, but it’s a total lie. As a political blogger, I get all the e-mails from campaigns. I get all the e-mails from Tea Party issues. I’ve gone to CPAC for years, I go to conservative conferences, I’m a member of numerous conservative groups. Never, in all these years, have I heard or read ONE thing even implying anything about race. If I had, I can promise you, you would have heard about it right here. Does anyone who reads me imagine I would put up with even IMPLIED prejudice? Of course I wouldn’t. If I had, I would have quit the Republican party. The problems that we in the GOP have with Obama is not, and has never been, about his race. Now, are there people out there that DO judge Obama by his race? Of course! Is there racism regarding Obama? Of course! Racism is alive and well in this country. But to take the reality of a few ignorant people, and try to paint people like Newt Gingrich or Rick Santorum with that brush just to perpetuate the false narrative of a racist GOP just to keep black votes. That is morally wrong on every level. The Democrat majority leader Harry Reid said that he was glad candidate Obama was “lightskinned” and “had no negro accent.” Bill Clinton told Ted Kennedy that Obama “would have been bringing us coffee a few years ago.” I find that much more overtly prejudice than anything in these supposedly “code words” people like Ms. Jackson Lee find in the GOP, but you won’t find her complaining about her own leaders. Seriously. Can you even imagine the gasket she would blow if a GOP candidate had used the world “negro?” Who uses that word anymore?? Who thinks like that? But she is silent there.
For what it is worth, negro is on my Naughty Words list.
Sadly, dividing and conquering apparently works. This is tearing the nation apart.

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