Monday, September 21, 2009

Dick Morris, the former Clinton adviser, says that Obamacare is losing just about all segments of voters, old and young, etc. The process started with seniors who worry about their Medicare, and now young, middle class workers are finding out they will face a stiff tax (excuse me, a fine) if they don't buy medical insurance. Even people on Medicaid will face high premiums.

Morris sums it up like this:

In other words, health-care "reform" is a health-care tax dressed up as a program to cover the uninsured.
No matter how Democrats get the money to cover those who need insurance, they offend supporters that they need to pass the bill:
* If they get the money from more Medicare cuts, they alienate the elderly still further.
* If they get it from raising the deficit, they lose moderates.
* If they hike taxes to do it, they lose the "Blue Dog" Democrats who've gone on record as opposing such increases.
* If they don't increase the subsidies, they lose the uninsured themselves.

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