Thursday, October 6, 2011

Steve Jobs tribute

A tribute to Steve Jobs. I myself am a late admirer of Jobs and Apple. Although my first computer was an Apple IIe, my computer world later focused on Windows and PCs, starting with MS-DOS. But when I was at the University of Texas, the Macintosh was brand new. In fact it was less than a year old. Near the dorm was an Apple store in a campus building. Of course it was not called that, but they were selling the first Macs to kids who lived on campus. I walked in one day just to see what was going on, and I was curious about what Macs were like. The place was packed. Macs were flying out the door like hotcakes. Unbelievable. A joke then was that a Mac was a black-and-white TV in a shoe box.

Most computer labs on campus consisted of terminals connected to mainframe and mini-computers. The personal computer revolution was underway, but still in its early stages.

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