Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Windows 8 available for preview

Microsoft unveils Windows 8 for public test. 

Africa's wealth, not poverty

The Atlantic has an article on the economic progress that's being made in Africa. Yes, Africa.

Romney wins in Michigan and Arizona

Rich Lowry on Romney's great escape in Michigan.

iPad 3 will come out next week

Apple will reveal iPad 3 next week. 

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Datechguy's Blog: A little LBJ and a Lot of Panic for Obama

Datechguy's Blog: The argument here is that Obama's recent appeal to black voters, who regularly go for Democrats at over 90 percent, literally screams panic.

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Dow closed above 13,000

The Dow closed today above 13,000 for the first time since May 19, 2008. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Family Talk, Southern Style. I love it.

Family Talk, Southern Style | It is pretty.

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Affirmative Action case before Supreme Court

The Supreme Court will consider a affirmative action case at the University of Texas. 

The Supreme Court will once again confront the issue of race in university admissions in a case brought by a white student denied a spot at the flagship campus of the University of Texas.
The court said Tuesday it will return to the issue of affirmative action in higher education for the first time since its 2003 decision endorsing the use of race as a factor in admissions. This time around, a more conservative court is being asked to jettison that ruling and outlaw affirmative action in the university setting.
This is long overdue. Higher ed is full of scandals these days, including racial inequities.

DOW is up over 13,000

The DOW is above 13,000 for first time since 2008 before falling back. Well, it can't be because the economy is so good.

Greece secures reprieve, er, bailout

Greece secures bailout to avoid debt default. It's likely just a reprieve.

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Monday, February 20, 2012

Obama talks tough on higher education

Obama takes tougher stance on higher education:
There's been a growing debate over whether post-secondary schools should be more transparent about the cost of an education and the success of graduates. President Barack Obama has weighed in with a strong "yes."
Look, the quality of graduates is down, the cost of tuition is up, student debt is up, the mood on campus is complacent.

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ESPN and Jeremy Lin

Althouse: "The ESPN editor fired Sunday for using 'chink in the armor' in a headline about Knicks phenom Jeremy Lin...": This statement was absolutely outrageous. I wondered how long it would take for something like this to happen.

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Backlash against AT&T's data restrictions

The backlash has started against AT&T policy of restricting cell phone data useage. 

Ranking presidents of the past 50 years

Ann Althouse: Ronald Reagan was the most influential president of the past half century. No doubt about that.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Are you happy?

That's your most important job interview questions. Don't believe it. Read this link.

Is there anything that it can't do?

Live local TV feeds can be sent to your iPhone and iPad. 

The Titanic as a Christian story

This post is interesting because it claims that the movie Titanic embodies a Christian view of the world and the post cites a self-published "book" or actually essay via Amazon.

Two happy predictions

Bill Quick: "Prediction: Mitt Romney Will Not Be the GOP Nominee This Year, And Barack Obama Will Not Be Re-Elected"

Friday, February 17, 2012

Your digital life after your death

Keep your digital life alive, after death | Reuters. My advice: keep them out of your stuff. Destroy as much as you can.

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U.S. to hit debt limit before election day

U.S. to hit debt limit before election day. This will no doubt be a big issue in the campaign. We are "spending too much, borrowing too much, and putting our nation's fiscal stability at risk."

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Thursday, February 16, 2012

New Medicare overhaul plan

Two Republicans are proposing a new Medicare overhaul plan. We've got to start thinking and talking about this subject before it's too late.

Who would have thought the Chronicle of Higher Ed would discuss fun sex

Believe it or not, the Chronicle of Higher Education has an article on the nonprocreative usefulness of sex. The article starts out talking about Rick Santorum and the contraceptive issue we have going, but then shifts to this:

If you’re interested in the stability of families, then you should also be a fan of non-procreative sex (which, let’s face it, is going to be a majority of sex any couple engages in, even if they’re choosing to forgo birth control). Women who have more sex are happier in their relationships. Sexual satisfaction outstrips even good communication in ratings of a couple’s happiness. Whether you have an active sex life is a strong predictor of your mental health and a lesser, but still significant, predictor of physical health.
None of that has anything to do with babies. And it doesn’t really have anything to do with mere pleasure, which is what Santorum said sex is reduced to once the potential for kids has been stricken from the equation. Sexual satisfaction increases relationship satisfaction and couples who are more satisfied in their relationships are less likely to divorce. If ever there was a conservative argument for something, there it is.
Sexual satisfaction is also important for the well-being of same-sex couples, according to this study, which found that results were the same for women in homosexual or heterosexual relationships. Though presumably that’s not a study Rick Santorum would be interested in.

Naval ship names

What should the Navy name ships?

Is a tax a tax?

Is Obamacare a tax or what? The Obama administration can't get their story straight.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Can Full-Metal Jousting Become the Next Ultimate Fighting Championship?

I've been watching the History Channel more lately, and I recorded Full-Metal Jousting last night. The History Channnel has definitely come up with some good program ideas.

Also I might mention Animal Planet's new program, Hillbilly Handfishin', which is about noodling. OK, for the uninitiated, noodling refers to catching catfish by hand. Forget that rod and reel.

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What Woolly Mammoth?

"Woolly Mammoth" video is a hoax, says Live Science.

ATT usage alert

I thought I was on an unlimited data plan with ATT, but you may also be getting a message like this:

Dear ***********,

Our systems have detected that you are nearing your data plan limit. Your base plan has a monthly allowance of 2GB. Any data usage which exceeds your plan allowance will be billed at $10 per each additional 1GB.

To check your data usage online simply click here. It is an easy and convenient way to keep track of your usage. For additional information about data plan requirements and tips on managing your data usage visit

*Important: In general, domestic data usage will be reflected within 24 hours. In some extremely rare cases it may take up to 72 hours to be reflected in our systems. 

Thank you, 



Apple stock boom

Apple stock is now over $500 a share. 

Monday, February 13, 2012

Everybody Into The Pool: Basketball and Civil Rights

This is a terrific story of the inventor of basketball, James Naismith, and the father of the fast break, John B. McLendon, Jr., and how they beat segregation in the 1930s.

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Who goes to liberal arts colleges anyway?

Liberal Arts Colleges have become finishing schools for women.

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Aaron Clarey's Worthless

Worthless: The Indispensable Guide to Choosing the Right Major. 

Five myths about white people

Charles Murray: Five myths about white people. I could add other myths: All white people are racists. In fact I'm seeing more interracial, middle-aged couples. All white men like hunting and fishing. White men fight over the merits of Chevy vs Ford trucks.

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Rampart, a movie starring Woody Harrelson, seems like a new Dirty Harry.

You may get throttled

If you have an unlimited data plan with AT&T, watch out.  The unlimited plan is not so unlimited after all.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sarah Palin speaks at CPAC

Oikos yogurt head butt

This Oikos yogurt commercial is making the rounds on the Internet.

Ditch the textbook, baby

Some professors are ditching the textbooks. Excellent idea. I did so at every opportunity. Sometimes the powers-that-be insisted on a textbook in the bookstore, etc., but I hated it and told students that they could forget the textbook if they wanted to and they didn't have to buy it. Most textbooks are just left-wing crap.

Whitney Houston is gone

Whitney Houston is dead at age 48. Her rendition of the National Anthem, at the start of the Persian Gulf war, is the most moving one ever sung.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Catholics reject birth control deal

Catholic bishops reject Obama deal on birth control. What a surprise.

The Tea Party: Three Principles by Elizabeth Price Foley: Books

The Tea Party: Three Principles by Elizabeth Price Foley, who seems to know what the Tea Party is all about. For sure the MSM does not know.

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Sign of the Times: Kodak to stop making cameras, digital frames

Kodak will stop making cameras. The company was founded in 1880 and now faces a dismal future because they hung on to film too long.

The "new" History Channel

When I used to watch the History Channel, I called it the Hitler Channel, but that's all changed apparently. They have some new programs that I've stumbled upon. I like Swamp People, American Pickers, which I've watched quite a bit of.

I used to like Swamp Thing, a movie with Adrienne Barbeau.

Adrienne Barbeau nude in Swamp Thing movie - Watch More Funny Videos

Insurers stuck with cost of Obama birth-control plan

Insurers stuck with cost of Obama birth-control plan. That's the way it works: make somebody else pay for it. It's free that way, LOL.

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Mimi Alford's memoir

I've never read anything like this about JFK and it's from the New Republic! Mimi Alford was a 19-year-old intern in 1962. See Once Upon a Secret: My Affair with President John F. Kennedy and Its Aftermath. If you go to Amazon read the reviews, especially tink-the-cat.

UPDATE: Ann Althouse has some comments.

For a balanced budget amendment

We need a balanced budget amendment. I didn't used to think so, but the federal deficit has gotten so bad that we have to have it. We are going bankrupt if we don't do something. The states have budget restrictions.

McArdle on birth control backtrack

Megan McArdle sums up Obama's birth control flap. People are still mad about it.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Gasoline consumption is falling and that predicts a decline in economic activity

Why is gasoline consumption tanking? Retail gasoline deliveries are below 1980 levels and going south.

Obama the back tracker

Obama will backtrack on birth control rule that has created a firestorm among Catholic and other religious organizations.

Rand Paul blisters Obama

Rand Paul to Obama: "Do you hate all rich people, or just rich people who don't contribute to your campaign?" He also asked, "Do you hate poor people or do you just hate poor people with jobs?"

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Maybe I could get the federal government to pay my cell phone bill

Ann Althouse has this post: "Do you enjoy paying other people's cell phone bills?" A federal program spent $1.6 billion of your tax dollars to pay for free cell phones and the monthly bills of 12.5 million wireless accounts. I've wondered why everybody seems to be talking on a cell phone.

Well, you're going to be paying for somebody's mortgage and health care as well as cell phone.

Marco Rubio

Marco Rubio, Republican Senator from Florida, is a powerful conservative leader who will be president one day, and soon. 
“Unlike any leader in modern American history, we are led today by a president that has decided to pit Americans against each other,” Rubio thundered. “The basic argument he is making to our nation is that the reason why some of us are worse off than we used to be is because other people are doing too well. That the only way for some of us to do better is for some people to do worse.”

The No Child Left Behind Law is being left behind

The No Child Left Behind law initiated under George Bush was intended to bring students up to par in reading and math, but it has been a failure, and now states are being let off the hook.

In Colorado, Bridget Cole, a 4th grade teacher who was eating an egg salad sandwich with a group of student on a field trip to the Colorado state Capitol, said she was relieved to hear the news out of the White House.
"No Child Left Behind never changed how I taught. I know what my kids need. It's easier for me to see where my kids need to be rather than pay attention to what the federal government tells me my kids need to be," Cole said.

Big government goes too far, again

Catholic official to Obama: Stop "intruding into the internal life of a church."

No fun on a LA county beach

Don't go on a LA county beach and throw a football or Frisbee. Or even let your kids dig a hole in the sand more than 18 inches deep. You'll get socked with a $1,000 file. My advice: Don't spend your vacation in California.

The latest trends in marriage

The Atlantic has a good article on the latest trends in marriage. 

Womens' role in combat changing

The Pentagon is changing the rules for women in combat. 

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Social Security needs to be reformed

What to do about our broken Social Security model? Let workers direct their payroll taxes to their own personal retirement accounts. It's your money, use it when you need it.

Who knew whales are slaves. Oh the inhumanity!

SeaWorld whales are illegal slaves. 

UPDATE: Suit dismissed. 

It's only going to get worse

The WSJ and just about everybody else is outraged over Obama's birth-control mandate. As my doctor says, it's only going to get worse.
The political furor over President Obama's birth-control mandate continues to grow, even among those for whom contraception poses no moral qualms, and one needn't be a theologian to understand why. The country is being exposed to the raw political control that is the core of the Obama health-care plan, and Americans are seeing clearly for the first time how this will violate pluralism and liberty.

Prius is best-selling hybrid

The Toyota Prius is the best-selling hybrid. I own one and love it, but I still think the car is too low to the ground. I don't like scraping the front bumper.

Man in diabetic shock is beaten by police and caught on video

Officers beat motorist who has gone into diabetic shock. 

More regrets on Obamacare

Another Dem now regrets voting for Obamacare. Well, add her name to Blanche Lincolns.

Watch that salt

This article is required reading for anyone, like me, who needs to reduce the salt in his diet.

The Dow is up, what's next?

The Dow is approaching 13,000, and then maybe higher, or lower.

What if all cats died?

I hate to say anything good about cats but what if they all suddenly died? 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Clint Eastwood as Dumb Harry

It's amusing when actors get themselves involved in politics. They know so little.

How to get stupid: go to a meeting

Meetings can make you stupid. Well, everybody knows that except bosses.

The last WW1 vet: RIP

The last World War I veteran has died. 

Why don't you go ahead and register to vote in Minnesota

Minnesota voter registration is a joke. 

Sex week at Yale

It's sex week at Yale. But I thought every week was sex week at Yale.

Nympho Librarian

Librarians and porn have a long relationship. 

Monday, February 6, 2012

The agony of defeat

Tom Brady in defeat. 

The return of me

I'm back after a spell of bad health. I know I've been some important new and some good stories that I might have posted. For example, I just noticed this story entitled: "Censors MIA on M.I.A.'s finger flip." Something always goes wrong with a Super Bowl halftime show.

You can expect my blog to resume.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Sugar evokes bold predictions

Do you think sugar will in the future be regulated like alcohol and tobacco? 
BOLD PREDICTIONS:  Within fifty years Coca Cola and the NFL will be the fodder of campfire stories meant to scare excitable pre-teens.  It can't happen?  Sixty years ago Frank and Dean were the Kings of Cool, smoking cigarettes live on national television; now they would get busted and the President of the United States is heckled in his own home for being a smoker.
If high school football were invented today, any school board listening to the injury rate and equipment expense would laugh out loud.  It's days are numbered.
And Coke?  Sales will be regulated as cigarettes are today, and sales to minors won't be legal.  And someone somewhere will be charged with child abuse for giving a kid a Coke.  Really.

Don't choose the wrong major in college

Did you know, there's a strong connection between your choice of a college major and unemployment. And while we're on the subject of higher ed, see this discussion educational reform.

Obama administration goes too far

The Obama administration is requiring church-related institutions like hospitals to cover birth control whether they like it or not. They are outraged as they should be.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Optical Wi-Fi opens up a new world of opportunities

This article discusses a fast and cheap optical version of Wi-Fi that is coming soon. 

Gallup: huge Obama loss predicted

Gallup has a map that predicts a GOP landslide this fall. 

Slip of the lip

We'll hear about this Romney gaffe again and again. He said he was "not concerned about the very poor."

Belly up: Americans bought more alcohol in 2011

Alcohol sales were up in 2011. That must mean the recessions is over, or, uh, things are worse. People have more money to spend on booze or they need to take away the recession pain. On the other hand, booze may be recession proof, LOL.
US shipments of scotch, vodka, rum and other spirits in 2011 increased 2.7 percent over the previous year -- the strongest increase in five years, according to industry data.


James Taranto:

If you think it's offensive for a Muslim group to exploit the 9/11 atrocity, you're an anti-Muslim bigot and un-American to boot. It is a claim so bizarre, so twisted, so utterly at odds with common sense that it's hard to believe anyone would assert it except as some sort of dark joke. Yet for the past few weeks, it has been put forward, apparently in all seriousness, by those who fancy themselves America's best and brightest, from the mayor of New York all the way down to Peter Beinart.
What accounts for this madness? Charles Krauthammer notes a pattern:
Promiscuous charges of bigotry are precisely how our current rulers and their vast media auxiliary react to an obstreperous citizenry that insists on incorrect thinking.
-- Resistance to the vast expansion of government power, intrusiveness and debt, as represented by the Tea Party movement? Why, racist resentment toward a black president.
-- Disgust and alarm with the federal government's unwillingness to curb illegal immigration, as crystallized in the Arizona law? Nativism.
-- Opposition to the most radical redefinition of marriage in human history, as expressed in Proposition 8 in California? Homophobia.
-- Opposition to a 15-story Islamic center and mosque near Ground Zero? Islamophobia.
Now we know why the country has become "ungovernable," last year's excuse for the Democrats' failure of governance: Who can possibly govern a nation of racist, nativist, homophobic Islamophobes?
Krauthammer portrays this as a cynical game: "Note what connects these issues. In every one, liberals have lost the argument in the court of public opinion. . . . What's a liberal to do? Pull out the bigotry charge, the trump that preempts debate and gives no credit to the seriousness and substance of the contrary argument."
But this has its limits as a political strategy. Krauthammer writes that "the Democrats are going to get beaten badly in November"....

Are we still racists?

Don Surber on our racial problem.

It is a dangerous game that Democrats play, one that requires constant racial dissatisfaction and distrust. Unable to find actual racism among conservatives, Democrats have taken to pretending conservative arguments are Racial Code Words. I picked Juan Williams apart yesterday. Kathleen McKinley blogging for the Houston Chronicle took care of her town’s Democratic Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee:
Can we just end this with “code words?” I know many believe it, but it’s a total lie. As a political blogger, I get all the e-mails from campaigns. I get all the e-mails from Tea Party issues. I’ve gone to CPAC for years, I go to conservative conferences, I’m a member of numerous conservative groups. Never, in all these years, have I heard or read ONE thing even implying anything about race. If I had, I can promise you, you would have heard about it right here. Does anyone who reads me imagine I would put up with even IMPLIED prejudice? Of course I wouldn’t. If I had, I would have quit the Republican party. The problems that we in the GOP have with Obama is not, and has never been, about his race. Now, are there people out there that DO judge Obama by his race? Of course! Is there racism regarding Obama? Of course! Racism is alive and well in this country. But to take the reality of a few ignorant people, and try to paint people like Newt Gingrich or Rick Santorum with that brush just to perpetuate the false narrative of a racist GOP just to keep black votes. That is morally wrong on every level. The Democrat majority leader Harry Reid said that he was glad candidate Obama was “lightskinned” and “had no negro accent.” Bill Clinton told Ted Kennedy that Obama “would have been bringing us coffee a few years ago.” I find that much more overtly prejudice than anything in these supposedly “code words” people like Ms. Jackson Lee find in the GOP, but you won’t find her complaining about her own leaders. Seriously. Can you even imagine the gasket she would blow if a GOP candidate had used the world “negro?” Who uses that word anymore?? Who thinks like that? But she is silent there.
For what it is worth, negro is on my Naughty Words list.
Sadly, dividing and conquering apparently works. This is tearing the nation apart.